2012年9月30日 星期日

SPORTS INFORMATION - OSU Badminton Tournament

近日有2012 OSU秋季羽球比賽, 資訊如下:

地點: McAlexander Fieldhouse – Courts. 1800 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331

9:00 AM – 登記
9:15 AM – 介紹
9:30 AM – 混合雙打
10: 00 AM – 女子雙打
10:30 AM – 男子雙打(可能依情況有所變更)
12:00 PM – Lunch time
1:00 PM – 女子單打
3:00 PM – 男子單打
6:00 PM – Finish

比賽項目: 男單, 女單, 男雙, 女雙, 混雙

獎項: 第一名 金獎盃 第二名 銀獎盃 第三名 握把布

賽制: 新制羽球 初賽採循環賽制 復賽採單淘汰制 (至少可以打到三場比賽)

報名期限: 10/10(星期三),每位參賽者須繳交一參賽表。可以e-mail登記,但須繳費才保證入賽。若場地足夠,才接受超過報名期限之後的登記者。

參賽費用: 10人以上參賽者每位學生$15,9人(或以下)參賽者每位學生$20。

比賽負責人: Shumin Lu Chauncey Yan
手機: 503-888-1174 971-678-2702
Email: badminton@oregonstate.edu
FB資訊專頁: https://www.facebook.com/events/262300000558142/

注意事項與規則: (請參賽者詳閱)
1. 比賽規則將比對美國羽球正式賽之規則。
2. 時間允許下就會有敗部復活賽。
3. 每場比賽中免費提供兩顆羽球,若是超過則每顆額外收取$2。
4. 比賽以Rally Point Scoring計分法,每場先達21分者贏得比賽,三戰兩勝。
5. 唱名超過五分鐘未到場,將取消資格。
6. 每場熱身時間最多三分鐘。
7. 前屆有得名的球員將會是今年的種子球員。
8. 雙打比賽搭檔的選手都需要個別繳交參賽表。
9. 若於10/1之後取消比賽則不退費。
10. 賽程將於10/11以email發送
11. BOS officer保留更改以上規則之權力

OSU Badminton Tournament

Location: McAlexander Fieldhouse – Courts. 1800 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331
Link to map: http://oregonstate.edu/recsports/sites/default/files/facilities/files/Map-

Schedule: 9:00 AM – Registration
9:15 AM – Introduction
9:30 AM – Mix Double
10: 00 AM – Women’s Double
10:30 AM – Men’s Double Schedule may change due to conditions
12:00 PM – Lunch time
1:00 PM – Women’s Single
3:00 PM – Men’s Single
6:00 PM – Finish

Events: Men’s Single (MS), Women’s Single (WS), Men’s Double (MD), Women’s Double (WD), Mixed
Double (MxD)

Prizes: 1st prize Gold Trophy
2nd prize Silver Trophy
3rd prize Towel Grip

Format: Drop-flight & round robin for consolation bracket (3 games guaranteed!)
Loss of the first game results in a drop to consolation group.
In case of insufficient entries, some events may only apply drop-flight.
Consolation bracket will play round robin, then challenge the winner.

Deadline: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012. Each participant must submit one entry form. Registration
by e-mail is accepted; however, registration is NOT guaranteed until payment is received. Entries
received after deadline is accepted only if space is available.

Entry Fees: $15 per student for schools with 10+ participants.
$20 per student for schools with 9 or less participants.
Female player can compete in the men’s events, but male player cannot play in women’s events.

Contact: Shumin Lu Chauncey Yan
Phone: 503-888-1174 971-678-2702
Email: badminton@oregonstate.edu
FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/262300000558142/

Conditions: (Please read carefully)
1. The tournament will be conducted in accordance with applicable USAB rules
2. Consolation draws will be held only if time permitted
3. Two shuttles per match will be provided free of charge (additional shuttle for $2 each)
4. Matches will be played using Rally Point Scoring in best 2 out of 3 games to 21 points
5. Any player not ready to play 5 minutes after his/her match is called will be defaulted
6. On-court warm-up time is restricted to 3 minutes
7. Prior known tournament results will be considered for seeding arrangement
8. Each player in a doubles partnership must submit separate entry forms
9. Entries will not be refunded if cancelled after October 1, 2011.
10. Draws will be emailed on October 11st, 2012.
11. The BOS officers reserve the right to change any of the above conditions as see fit
12. All decisions made by the tournament organizer, BOS, are final

